Citizens Inc. Insurance Company

ShowcaseWebsite Administrator

While I had no hand in the design of the Citizens Inc website, it was my primary job to update it and keep it running. Citizens is an old school company and their online presence wasn't their primary concern. However, they did have an online presence and on the backend it was a very technical website. It was my primary job to keep the web servers updated and running as well as secure. I worked with the IT department to maintain the servers both in the software and hardware ends. Even though I was originally hired as a website admin, my main role ended up being more of their in-house graphic designer for all their major print projects. Examples of these projects can be shown upon request. You can also see more of my design work for Citizens Inc under the Print Design section of my portfolio.

Responsibilities in the Citizens Inc Sr Website Admnistrator role:

  • Worked directly for the CEO and President of the Company to design and execute all visual projects for Citizens Inc
  • Administered company website at an IT level, responsible for all web server hardware, software, permissions and security
  • Designed and maintained company website in 4 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese)
  • All graphics, code, troubleshooting and management of website
  • Wrote and executed small online apps

Visit the Website (I maintained but did not design the website) -